I Wish I Was A Unicorn

Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then ALWAYS be a unicorn!

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Current Wonderfuls

Second time typing this. First time was on my phone, took 2 hours and was lost when the app crashed and needed manually removing. A-ha, said I, pre-empted that problem by copying all the text to the clipboard before attempting to upload. Unfortunately, my phone had other ideas and I was faced with an empty clipboard. Pants!

Anyway, I had challenged myself to find at least one wonderful in each day this week and try to share them with you. Don’t worry, I’m not a raving looney now, I know things aren’t all wonderful. In fact, some days were downright STINKIN! Like the day I tripped outside my parents’ flat and skint my knee and both hands, tearing a hole in the knee of my jeans… and like the day when I started round 7 of the fertility drug as the previous one failed again. Anyway, here’s my attempt!

Saturday: Today’s wonderful was a moment in my youngest nephew’s 4th birthday. He was having a great wee afternoon and at one point I asked if he’d like me to count his age. (It’s something we used to do in the nursery classes, they loved it!). So I tapped his knees and counted “One!”, tapped his tummy and counted “Two!”, his shoulders “Three!”, and his head “Four!” He looked amazed, and still wanting reassurance asked his Gran “What age am I today, right now?”. “Four!” she replied and his face lit up as if the penny had finally dropped. It was as if he had been waiting to turn 4 for so long that he felt like it would never actually happen! He ran through to his older brother in the next room and shouted “Guess what? I’m four right now!”. He was so happy and it brings a smile to my face every time I remember it


Sunday: My hubby phoned me from his work at lunch time on Sunday to relay some feedback he had received after posting the recording we did together 2 years onto his Facebook page. I don’t plan to continue singing, but it was a big boost to my confidence that I had tried something a bit different and receive compliments for it.


Sunday was also a day my friend texted me with her weight loss update. She has done SO well and it really made me happy to hear she was succeeding because I remember how it felt almost a year ago changing my lifestyle and I know the determination it takes. Well done!

Monday: Monday was a bummer, I ended up close to tears towards the end of it, but the wonderful in Monday came in the form of a healing hug. We all know someone who gives proper, close, warm, healing hugs. My hubby gives the best healing hugs in the world. I knew this about him a long time before we became a couple. The good thing is he is a very huggly person, so if you ever need one, just ask!. Thank God for those hugs.

Tuesday: My wonderful today was my mum, she’s actually a wonderful most days. Great listener, funny, enthusiastic with almost every idea I come up with and makes so many sacrifices for those she loves. If I’m even 5% as good a mother as she is, then I’m doing well.

Wednesday: Today my adult daughter had to have 2 tooth extractions in preparation for the braces she is getting next week. Instead of shuffling home and looking for the pity vote as most of us would likely do, she got on a bus and went to her college class 10 miles away. She is strong, brave, determined and independent. She is fluent in sarcasm, but full of kindness to those she loves. I’m proud to say she’s my daughter, and I felt that pride today, and it was wonderful.

Also on Wednesday was my niece’s 8th birthday. She is extremely cute and comes out with THE funniest one-liners you’ve ever heard. She is quoted often in our home, always accompanied by a smile. Although we live too far away to see her on her birthday, we were able to follow her day via social networking and texts from her mum. It was great to see her having such a good day. I always tell her I’m going to steal her one day, and every time I say it she shouts “Yes! Steal me now!” ❤

Thursday: Well, I struggled with my wonderful today, so let me introduce you to my wellies


Aren’t they just gorgeous. I love them because 1. My mum bought me them. 2. because they are Zebra print, and I am slightly in love with anything zebra print….and I take random photographs of them…


and 3. I love them because when I got them my legs were too…er…. round to fit them, but after losing 2.5 stone last year they fit me perfect now. Every time I put them on (and it has been often this past week, CRAZY weather everywhere!) I remember the success I had last year.

Friday: Well, today was valentines day, but we opted not to buy cards and gifts so we could spend the money instead on gig tickets. Unfortunately they sold out within minutes, so there we were on valentines day with not much to show for it…or so it seems. Ye see, I always tell my hubby romance is in the small things we do every day, like paying compliments, sending good texts and even in the lovely cuppas we make each other. How would a card be able to show that kind of love? Heck, I have a husband who writes songs about me and for me, then plays some of them with his brilliant band in packed pubs and clubs. How insignificant and cheap does a card sound next to that? I am blessed with a romantic man, and no card or gift on one day of the year can come close to how that feels. Heaven knows I waited long enough for it!

So there you go, my wee exercise in counting my blessings. I’ll continue it personally and wont bore you with my ramblings every week!

I hope every single one of you has a week full of WONDERFULS too. love and HUGS xxx